General Information

General Information

Looking into some new tech, something to improve or change your lifestyle, maybe even entertain the family? We will help you get an idea of what tech is available or what may suit your needs. Click "Contact Us" tab for more information.

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Give Me Options

Give Me Options

Do You know what your looking for? Need some specifics? We can help you breakdown your options. We suggest products suited to your needs from retailers and online stores available to you right now. Click "Contact Us" tab for more information.

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Get Me A Quote

Get Me A Quote

REC Services quote (price) acquisition service. We are dedicated to finding a competitive price from a retailer near you. Click "Contact Us" for more information.

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All In One

All In One

Our 'All In One' Service is a combination of our 'General Information, Give me Options & Get Me A Quote'. We will assist you all the way through, from the acquisition of information, helping you select your product and getting in contact with a retailer. Click "Contact Us" for more information.