The world of retail consumer electronics is vast and growing everyday. We're spoilt for choice, having a large variety of options for any given product or purpose. However, this means we run the risk of making a purchase that is unsuitable for our needs, requirements or wants.

Do we risk wasting our time, researching online, making an online purchase, waiting for an order to arrive or going through the journey of making a purchase instore, only for it to not quite hit the mark. Time and money spent in the pursuit for the right product, only for it to feel like a waste.
Retail Electronics Consultancy Services (RECS) are developed to engage our customer's consumer electronics needs, requirements or wants. We endeavour to offer a bespoke solution for all in our market. Through our services, we wish to help our customers grow their knowledge and be able to make informed decisions that lead to a better experience with their product of choice.
If you would like to enquiry about any service, please use the message box on the 'Contact Us' tab. One of our team will reply in 24hrs-48hrs. *GST is not included in the price guide, applied at payment.